Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Literal and Idiomatic Verb Phrase (tugas penerjemahn berbantuan komputer 2)

1.      She huffed, set the paper on the low cupboard, and motioned that I should get up. (Page 1, Paragraph 4, Line 2)

-          Literal meaning of get up is bangun,berdiri
-          Idiomatic meaning of get up is mempersipkan
-          The meaning of get up in this sentence is get out of bed

2.      I took out a pretty comb, ivory with a rooster carved at each end. (Page 2, Paragraph 2,  Line 2)

-          Literature meaning of took out is mengeluarkan,mengambil
-          Idiomatic meaning of  took out  is mencabut,mengeluarkan
-          The meaning of took out in this sentence is to remove something from inside

3.      She pulled off  her scarf and pointed to her face and bunched her brows. (Page 2, paragraph 2, line 7)

-          Literal meaning of pulled of (pull of)  is menarik,membuka,melepaskan
-          Idiomatic meaning of  pulled of (pull of) is melakukan
-          The meaning of  pulled of  in this sentence is open or put off something

4.      Where the gums had burned, the teeth had fallen out. (Page 2-3, paragraph 5, line 7)

-          Literal meaning of  fallen out (fall out) is rontok,bertengkar,ternyata
-          Idiomatic meaning of fallen out(fall out) is rontok
-          The meaning of fallen out in this sentence become loose and drop

5.      I laughed and clapped my hand, liking this made-up story best. (Page 3, paragraph 3, line 1)

-          Literal meaning of made-up (make-up )is menyusun,mengatur
-          Idiomatic meaning of made -up (make up) is membayangkan
-          The meaning of  made-up in this sentence is to invent a story especially in order to trick or entertaint somebody.

6.      A hundred times I have gone over that morning when Precious Auntie wrote it down. (Page 1, Paragraph 2, line 3).

-          Literal meaning of wrote down (write down) is menulis,mencatat
-          Ideomatic meaning of wrote down(write down) is menulis,mencatat
-          The meaning of wrote down in this sentence is to produce something in written form so that people can read, perform or use it.

7.      We put on our padded winter clothes and walked into the cold corridor. (Page 3, Paragraph 4, line 5)

-           Literal meaning of walked into(walk into) is berjalan
-          Idiomatic meaning of walked into(walk into)is memasuki
-          The meaning of  walked into in this sentence is to enter a room.

8.      Take  off your shoes. (Page 3-4, Paragraph 4, line 12)

-          Literal meaning of take off  is membuka,melepaskan,menanggalkan
-          Idiomatic meaning of  take off  is berangkat
-          The meaning of  take off  in this sentence is to reeemove something especially from the body.

9.      Instantly, my feet were stabbed with an iciness that ran up my legs, through my body, and dripped out my nose. (Page 3-4, Paragraph 4, line 14)

-          Literal meaning of ran up(run up) is berlari,mendaki
-          Idiomatic meaning of ran up (run up) is naik
-          The meaning of ran up in this sentence is  fight my legs

10.  Instantly, my feet were stabbed with an iciness that ran up my legs, through my body, and dripped out my nose. (Page 3-4, Paragraph 4, line 14)

-          Literal meaning of dripped out(drip out) is menetes
-          Idiomatic meaning of dripped out (drip out) is bocor
-          The meaning of  dripped out in this sentence is through

11.  Her black eyes looked into mine. (Page 4, paragraph 1, line 8)

-          Literal meaning of looked into(look into) is memandang,memeriksa
-          Idiomatic meaning of  looked into (look into) is menyelidiki
-          The meaning of  looked into in this sentence is staring each other

12.  She blew on them until they began to smolder. (Page 4, paragraph 2, line 1)

-          Literal meaning of  blew on (blow on)  is meniup
-          Idiomatic meaning of blew on(blow on)  is meniup
-          The meaning of  blew on in this sentence is to force air across something especially with a puff of breath

13.  I’m cold, I’m whimpered, and tears leaked out. (Page 4, paragraph 3, line 1)

-          Literal meaning of leaked out(leak out)  is membocorkan,memberitahukan
-          Idioamtic meaning of  leaked out(leak out) is keluar
-          The meaning of  leaked out in this sentence is to seep out of something.

14.  She went back to the threshold and picked up one of her shoes. (Page 4, Paragraph 4, line 2)

-          Literal meaning of picked up(pick up) is mengambil,memungut
-          Idiomatic meaning of picked up(pick up) is menjemput
-          The meaning of  picked up in this sentence is to get something or  lift up or raise something from a lower place

15.  Each time my head bobbed up, I looked at that name. (Page 4-5, paragraph 4, line 12)

-          Literal meaning of  bobbed up (bob up)is muncul
-          Idiomatic meaning of bobbed up (bob up) is terapung
-          The meaning of  bobbed up in this sentence is To cause to move up and down

16.   I went to put away the birthday present that Luyi gave me. (Page 5, paragraph 2, line 1).

-          Literal meaning of put away is menyimpan,menyisihkan
-          Idiomatic meaning of put away is menyimpan,meletakan dengan baik
-          The meaning of  put away  in this sentence is To place in a specified location

17.  The first time it happened  was when she moved into Art’s flat in San Francisco.

-          Literal meaning of  moved into (move into) is pindah
-          Idiomatic meaning of moved into (move into) is pindah
-          The meaning of  moved into in this sentence is  to come or go into

18.  They are actually fragments of meteors penetrating the earth’s atsmosphere, burning up in their descent. (Page 9, paragraph 3, line 9)

-          Literal  meaning of  burning up is membakar
-          Idiomatic meaning of burning up is menjengkelkan
-          The meaning of  burning up in this sentence is to destroy with fire

19.  A hundred times I have gone over that morning when Precious Auntie wrote it down. (Page 1, Paragraph 2, line 3).

-          Literal meaning of gone over (go over) is melintasi,menyeberangi
-          Idiomatic meaning of gone over ( go over ) is mengulangi
-          The meaning of  gone over in this sentence is to pass or to move from one place to another

20.  She wet down any strands that stuck out like spider legs. (Page 1-2, paragraph 4, line 7)

-          Literal meaning of  stuck out (stick out) is menonjol,mengeluarkan,memperlihatkan
-          Idiomatic meaning of  stuck out (stick out) is bertahan
-          The meaning of stuck out in in this sentence is to be further out than something else.

group : 4SA03
-Anggelina S.Ngamelubun
-Josephin S.G.Wamea
-Dhina Wahyu A
-Devi Novitasari

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